Planting your own Kitchen Window Herb Garden

This was something I intended to do last year, but never took the time to put into practice. So in March this year I finally went for it. 

Eight herb plants were the most I could fit into two planters and a pot. I ventured to Columbia Road Flower Market  and as usual was not disappointed. The quality of plants they sell is second to none and the price is neither. 
My strategy on Columbia Road Flower Market is to walk the entire length of the market and assess every stall without buying anything, then turn back and pick the healthiest plants from the stalls that made it into my short list. I always end up buying one or two plants from two to three different sellers. Every stall is specialised in a specific area, so the stalls I buy from change depending on what I’m looking for.

For the Kitchen Window Herb Garden I bought one of each (clockwise from the top left):
Thyme, Lemon Balm, Rosemary, Chives, Sage, Basil, Mint and Lavender



 Before filling the planters with soil, I covered the drainage wholes with potsherds.
One could also use small stones.


 Then added fresh soil and the plants.


When deciding which plants to put together in one pot, I placed the Basil next to the Mint plant. I believe this was a mistake, as the basil did not last for two days. I’m certain it was not due to the quality of the plant, but rather due to the location, too much or not enough water or the fact of having been placed next to the mint plant. To be honest I don’t know. However all other plants are doing well and are now on the window sill. 

Herbs in Pots

Herbs on windowsill


Herb Garden on Window Sill

Happy Gardening!

Growing plants from seeds

Today is the day I am planting the seedlings I have grown on my window ledge, onto the terrace!

But let’s start from the beginning.

You need to know that I bumped into this whole seed-growing experience a bit by accident. It would be true to say I almost sleep-walked into it, as I maundered into the  local corner shop and, on a whim bought a small plant propagator and some seeds.

My mum has a big garden at home in Italy and she truly has green fingers, so I grew up surrounded by stunning flowers and plants all my life, but I was never really ‘responsible’ for them – besides for a week or two when my parents went on holiday and put me in charge of watering the garden (always equipped with detailed instructions on what to water and how).

BUT this time it will be different.

I want to grow plants with almost no budget and make my room and the garden I share with my flatmates, nicer than it is now.

So, as I said, I bought this propagator and planted Indian cress, sunflower, lupines, pansy, and rosemary seeds into biodegradable pots.

Then there was the BIG WAIT and for ten days NOTHING HAPPENED.

You must imagine me coming home from work every evening, looking for a glimpse of a plant, but Noothing had changed!!

My excitement waned quickly over the course of a week and I started to think that the £7 I’d spent, had been a waste of money.

So, when I had already given up, I sat down next to the window sill and looked at the propagator, thinking “this isn’t going to work, is it?”

and THAT’s when I found myself jumping up on my feet and making a high-pitched noise of JOY!!

BECAUSE THERE IT WAS: the first seedling had just appeared!

 [Seedling Nr.1]

A week later, more seedlings developed and started to look like friendly creatures, turning which-ever way the sun was shining at them:

[Indian cress, with sunflowers and lupines in the background]

The plants are now bigger and my boyfriend has started to look at them, saying “when are they ready to get out?” – out of the room, I guess he means…

Well, follow my next post and you will see what a nice new home these little ruckers are getting.

** Update to follow soon**