How to grow a mango plant from a seed

Hi everyone,
these are the two mango plants I have grown from seeds, starting at the end of September, simply by following the instructions I had found on different websites.

Mango plants grown from seeds

This is all you need to grow a mango plant:
•  a ripe mango
•  a pot
•  soil
•  water
•  patience

Cut the Mango flesh away to find the seed husk underneath.
Carefully break the husk open with a knife.

Opening a Mango seed

Inside you will find a large bean-shaped mango seed.

Mango seed

Plant the seed into a pot of soil, covering it carefully with a layer of soil

Planting a mango seed
Add water

Planting a mango seed

Then cover the pot with cling film and leave to rest in a warm bright place, like a windowledge

Planting a mango seed

After circa two weeks, seedlings will appear

Mango seedling

Initially with leaves that are quite pale

Mango seedling

and for a few weeks the leaves will hang downwards from the stem. This is normal.


Another two weeks and the seedlings gain strength, looking green and shiny:

Mango plants

Mango plants

Mango plants

Mango plants

I hope you try this for yourself at home.

Happy planting! : )

If on the other hand you’d like to know how to grow an avocado plant from a seed, follow this link to my other blog post:

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