A Hackney garden in summer – part 4

A closer look at the garden in July and August.
First year Hollyhock plants grown from seeds, on a fresh summer morning. These plants only flower starting in their second year. 


Pink and White Dwarf Godetia:

Dwarf Godetia

Pink and White Dwarf Godetia

A wild star-shaped flower:



Floor covering Five Spot Nemophila:Five Spot Nemophila

Five Spot Nemophila

Plants in our staircase garden:


Delicate, silky Ipomoea flowers growing through our Star Jasmine terrace railing:





Double African Marigold:

Double African Marigold

Double African Marigold

Double African Marigold

How tomatoes grow from seeds to bearing fruit

Hi everyone,
I hope your garden is doing well!
My tomato plants have grown so much, I thought you might want an update.
I find growing plants from seeds, the most satisfying way of gardening; having seen the plants develop out of tiny seeds, with a bit of soil and little water, makes one feel much more responsible for them then for plants bought already fully grown.

Last winter I won a package of tomato seeds in an online competition run by Woolly Green. The package arrived in the post just before Christmas and, as I had never grown tomatoes before, I followed their development every step along the way. Here is how the seeds turned into tomatoes:

28th of April 2013: 
Grown from a package, the tomato seedlings  indoors:

tomato seedling

12th of May 2013: 
Seedlings moved onto the window ledge

tomato seedlings

31st of May 2013:

tomato seedlings

6th of June 2013:  
Seedlings re-potted into tomato cage pots

Tomato seedling in tomato cage planter

Tomato seedling in tomato grower

As their new position was less protected than the window ledge, a transparent plastic sheet at the back helps to keep draughts away:

Tomato plant

Tomato growers

And wow, look how much they’ve grown since then:
23rd of June 2013:

Tomato plants

29th of  June 2013:

Tomato plants

10th of  July 2013:

Tomato plants

Tomato plants

10th of July 2013, the first flowers started to appear:

Tomato flowers

Tomato flowers

14th of July 2013:

Tomato flowers

16th of  July 2013, I bought some organic seaweed tomato fertilizer:
As I’m hoping to eat the tomatoes, I didn’t want any chemical fertilizer. I asked around, and the best one to me seemed this Maxicrop organic fertilizer, made from plant extracts and seaweed. I mix half a cup of Maxicrop with two liters of water every seven days.

Maxicrop organic seaweed tomato fertilizer

organic tomato fertilizer

20 July 2013:

Tomato flowers

21st of  July 2013: 

Tomato flowers

Tomato flowers

21st of July 2013, the first tomato fruit:

Tomato fruit

Tomato flowers

Tomato fruit

11th of August 2013: 

tomato fruit

31st of  August 2013:




2nd of September 2013:



homegrown tomato salad

If you haven’t grown tomatoes before, I hope the pictures encourage you to try it yourself.
It would be nice hearing about your success stories!
Thanks for watching

And p.s. compared to July 2013:

Tomato plants

 this is what remains of the tomato plants, now in October 2013: 

675Time to clear up the garden…